Cameron's Crusaders Sunset 5K

Springfield, OH


LOVE Y'ALL --- Join Us for Our RACE 

Race info

Welcome and thank you for supporting Cameron's Crusaders. Dave and I created Cameron's Crusaders after the death of our son. Cameron was a bright, vibrant, talented, and KIND young man who made a difference in his short life. We lost our son, on September 19, 2021, to a fatal fentanyl overdose.  We have spent the time since that day finding ways to educate youth against the dangers of drug use.   Dave and I visit Clark County Schools to talk about Cameron's Story and provide information to teenagers, grades 7 - 12, on drug use, and addiction support. We have also created a program we call "eleVate" The purpose of this program is to create a student lead initiative that promotes building a supportive peer community, builds trust, promotes healthy events and habits, educates elementary, middle school, junior high and high school students in mental health, addiction, stigmas, and community factors, and provides tools and avenues for assistance.

CAMERON'S CRUSADERS, as a partner of  Clark County Partners in Prevention, has supported the CCPiP Youth Council and has funded addiction prevention programs at Clark Shawnee Local Schools.
This year the funds raised from Cameron's Crusaders Sunset 5K will help further develop our eleVate program to include a "Captains Council," workshop, PSAs, and Scholarships.  

Please join us -- you can walk, run or simply support our efforts through sponsorship or a donation.  (see the buttons at the top of the page )

Registration fees
Through August 11th (shirt guaranteed)
$30 for adults
$20 for students 18 and under

Through August 23rd (shirt guaranteed through August 11th)
$35 for adults
$25 for students 18 and under

Race day (shirt not guaranteed)
$40 for adults
$30 for students 18 and under

Please maintain a 20 min/mile pace.

**Students! During registration, please select your school from the team drop down list!** We will be having a school participation competition with Awards! 

Race day
Saturday, August 24th, 2024 Buck Creek State Park - 1976 Buck Creek Lane Springfield, OH 45502
4:30 pm - 5:45 pm - Packet Pick Up - see registration tent
5:00 pm - 7:00 pm - DJ -- Racers & Non-Racers welcome
6:00 pm- RACE START
7:30 pm -  Awards
8:00 pm - Sunset

Race day registration is online only


Parking and Route

Parking is available at the park.  See Map listing

Post race
Please stick around after your race and enjoy some food from one or all of the food trucks at this event. Our food trucks this year are:   TBD.   There will also be a post race presentation of awards and community recognition along with some great music and a special, joyful remembrance of Cameron.   

Results and awards
Results will post when you finish on the Key Sports website. 

Cancellation Policy
By registering for this race, you agree that there will be no refunds offered for this event. On race day, we will be following the pandemic guidance currently recommended from the State of Ohio. In the event of foul weather, public safety concerns, pandemic, or for any other reason deemed necessary by timing company, race organizers, public safety officials, or anyone else in charge, we reserve the right to reschedule the event date if possible, cancel the race, or convert this to a virtual race. There will be no refunds for any reason and race items will not be mailed.

Weather in Ohio can be unpredictable. Unless we have thunder, lightning, ice on the course, unsafe temperatures, or are not permitted to drive on the roads, we will host the race. If we have to cancel for the aformentioned reasons or other reasons not mentioned, the race will be virtual and shirts will be available for pick up at a date to be determined. 

Transfer Policy
If you find that you can no longer participate in this event, transfers to another participant will be permitted through May 1st. 

Refund Policy
There will be no refunds for any reason and race items will not be mailed.

When & Where

Aug 24, 2024


6:00 PM

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Event Schedule

Springfield, OH

Buck Creek State Park/ CJ Brown Reservoir

Courses & Maps

Share Your Results

We'll automatically post your results for you on race day. Just connect your Twitter account.


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